Tirane,23 vjecarja lind ne rrug,femijen e pret polici....(Video)

Tiranë, NOA.al – “Ishte ulur në rrugë pranë barakës ku ajo jeton me burrin e saj rreth 40 vjet më të madh kur krejt papritur i del fëmija. Nuk po e besonim që ajo po lindte”. Kështu u shpreh për NOA-n një banor i lagjes “Allias” në Tiranë i cili ndodhej pranë vendit ku 23-vjeçarja lindi fëmijën e saj.
Jona nuk mundi të shkonte asnjëherë në spital gjatë shtatzënisë së saj e për më tepër as kur lindi. Ajo jeton në një barakë prej plastmasi dhe kartonash në një rrugë në lagjen “Allias” në Tiranë, bashkë me burrin e saj rreth 60 vjeç, dhe vajzën 3 vjeçe.
Kultura mjekësore është e kufizuar për 23 vjeçaren Jona dhe ajo nuk e dinte që kishte mbetur shtatzënë gjë të cilën e kuptoi vetëm kur barku i saj ishte rritur.
Tre ditë në parë, këtë të premte, ajo ishte ulur në rrugë pranë barakës dhe nuk i ishte shfaqur asnjë shqetësim. Por gjithçka ndodhi shpejt e shpejt. Brenda pak minutash ajo lindi fëmijën në rrugë ndërsa askush nuk mundi të afrohej për t’i dhënë ndihmën për shkak se nuk dinin si të vepronin.
I vetmi që iu afrua ishte një polic i cili ndodhej aty rastësisht duke kaluar. Ai u përpoq të ndihmonte 23-vjeçaren ndërsa lajmëroi menjëherë spitalin. Ai sinjalizoi se një grua kishte lindur në mes të rrugës dhe kërkoi me urgjencë të vinte ndihmë spitalore.
Një autoambulancë me mjeke dhe dy infermiere mbërritën për t’i dhënë ndihmën nënës së re dhe fëmijës së saj.
Gruaja u dërgua në maternitet ku qëndroi vetëm disa orë. Sepse brenda ditës ajo u rikthye në barakën e saj bashkë me vajzën e sapolindur.
Familja e përbërë tashmë prej katër personash jetojnë në barakën e vogël të cilën ata e kanë sajuar vetëm për t’u mbrojtur nga shiu gjatë natës.
Banorët e zonës tregojnë se Jona u braktis nga familja e saj kur ajo ishte në moshë të mitur.
Për të siguruar bukën e gojës, 23-vjeçarja e cila njihet edhe si femër me paqëndrueshmëri mendore, shoqërohej nga 60-vjeçari i cili jetonte rrugëve si endacak. Ai shiste hekurishte për të siguruar jetesën për vete dhe për 23-vjeçaren.
Tre vjet më parë Jona lindi një vajzë të shëndetshme e cila jeton rrugëve si prindërit e saj. “Megjithëse flinte në një barakë plastmasi, vajza e vogël nuk u sëmur asnjëherë, banorët e lagjes ndihmonin nënën e re të ushqente foshnjën duke i çuar qumësht apo ushqime të tjera”, – shprehet një banor i cili shton se Zoti bën mrekullira.
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Kim Kardashian’s Alleged Engagement Ring Worth $1 Million

Kim is rocking a 10 carat diamond ring and HollywoodLife.com can tell you that Kanye dropped some serious cash on the bling — read on to get the full scoop! Kim Kardashian is one lucky girl.
The reality star stepped out wearing a gorgeous rock and now HollywoodLife.com can tell you all about this beautiful stone fit for the reality TV queen. “The center stone looks like a 10ct oval shape diamond of high quality,” Anthony Sarkissian of Premier Jewelry Lenders in Beverly Hills tells us.
platinum ring also has one row of pave set diamonds on either side on the band. Depending on the quality of the center diamond, the ring could be valued anywhere from $500,000-$1,000,000.” Wow, now that’s one heck of a rock! But it still doesn’t compare to Kim’s ring from Kris Humphries which was a 20.5-carat diamond ring that was estimated to be worth $2 million.
Kanye reportedly proposed to Kim on her birthday and she’ll wear the ring on her ring finger when she and Kris are officially divorced!/hollywoodlife.com

Eva Longoria And Mark Sanchez Call It Quits

After having been seen dating all summer, Eva Longoria and Mark Sanchez have reportedly parted ways.
The New York Jets quarterback confirmed the split through his rep, who cited their conflicting schedules as the reason for the breakup.

Previously, the "Desperate Housewives" actress - who was spotted today (October 23) speaking to UNLV studdents about the upcoming presidential election and voting - was married to NBA star Tony Parker in 2011 while the NFL star has been linked to Hayden Panettiere and Jamie Lynn Sigler.
Recently, the 37-year-old brunette beauty has been enduring painful laser treatments to remove three tattoos referring to her ex-husband.
Reportedly, the "Nine" on her back, referring to Tony's jersey number is slowly fading.

Jennifer Lopez’s Nip Slip: Peek-A-Boob!

She’s never been shy about showing off her fabulous figure, but it seemsJennifer Lopez went a little too far during her concert at London’s O2 Arena last night (October 22).
The “Waiting for Tonight” singer ended up flashing her top to the adoring crowd during one of her intense dance routines.
Of the Zuhair Murad-designed getup, J. Lo’s stylist Mariel Haenn tweeted, "The dress fit perfectly to her every inch. There were cups built in and there's no chance that there were any, how do you say? 'slips.’”
“While the dress did give the illusion of sheer-ness, joke's on everyone who wishes they saw something! If you thought that dress was hot wait until you see what's next,” she added./celebrity-gossip.net

Taylor Swift Heads To The “Late Show” In ANOTHER New Outfit!

She’s out again, in another fabulous outfit! Taylor Swift made her way over to the “Late Show with David Letterman” in New York City this afternoon (October 23).
The 22-year-old songstress donned a darling crimson coat with black slacks and flats as she hit the Big Apple streets for another promotional appearance.
Miss Swift is making her rounds for the release of her brand new album “Red,” which hit the stores yesterday (October 22).
During a recent interview about the project, the “Mean” singer opened to MTV and said, “This album is interesting because each song stands on its own. It's this patchwork quilt of different sounds and different emotions, and I don't think anything on the record sounds like 'Never Ever,' and I'm really happy about that because each song is its own approach to what that particular emotion sounds like, and it's a really, really different record from anything else I've ever done before."

Karreueche Tran Definitely Not Pregnant, Says Chris Brown Source

Good news Rihanna, a source close to Chris confirms to Hollywoodlife.com EXCLUSIVELY that Karreuche is NOT pregnant with Chris’ baby! Here’s more info.

A shocking report from MediaTakeOut.com on Wednesday, Oct. 24 claimed that Karrueche Tran is two months pregnant with the child of her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown. HollywoodLife.com spoke with a source close to Chris who has exclusively assured us that this report is false! “No man, bad [report,]” our source tells us.

“KT ain’t pregnant. Chris ain’t stupid to be hitting raw. He don’t get down like that just because of s**t like that. Nope, that’s a negative, player. I mean, I know she would want to have his baby but nope, all [good.] Sorry to tell you.” As we exclusively reported earlier, a friend close to Karrueche also doubted the validity of the report.
“I don’t think she’s pregnant but if she is, she’s hasn’t told me. I don’t think she is though because she’s been drinking and she smokes sometimes too so that’s not something a pregnant girl would do,” the friend said.
Further proof that Karrueche probably isn’t pregnant? On Oct. 23, she tweeted a photo of herself with a massive bottle of tequila and an accompanying message that read, “much love to El Cartel Tequila for sending a bottle tonight!”/hollywoodlife.com

Taylor Swift: Don’t Write A Song About Ex-Boyfriend Conor Kennedy

Taylor– a new report says you and boyfriend Conor Kennedy have broken up after just a few months of dating. But Taylor, he’s so young at 18, you need to keep your feelings to yourself and nNOT set them to music!
Taylor Swift — I and the team at HollywoodLife.com usually applaud you for singing out loudly about your exes. After all, with a cast of ex-boyfriends, which includes John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal, it’s very arguable, that they deserve whatever you dish out. But Taylor in the case of Conor Kennedy, who is just 18 and who recently lost his mother, Mary Kennedy, to suicide, I think you need to tread far more lightly. At 22 Taylor, you’re much older, wiser and steeped in life experiences than Conor.
You’re four years older than your ex-love and those years, at his age, make a world of difference. So Taylor, while you’re writing, singing and recording your own albums, traveling the world on concert tours seen by millions of fans, winning major music awards, appearing on Good Morning America, Ellen, Katie and The View, Conor is living a far less worldly and protected life even if he is the son of Hollywood-friendly Robert Kennedy.
After all Conor is just a junior at the elite private high school, Deerfield Academy, in Deerfield, Mass. SAT preparation and getting top grades with an eye to college applications next year, has to be high on his agenda- an agenda, which is far different from yours today. Taylor and Conor Come From very Different Worlds As a student, he’s already taken some light hearted ribbing forom his peers, no doubt, for dating an “older” and famous woman. But if you go ahead and write a song like “Never Ever Getting Back Together” or “Dear John,” it’s almost like bullying him. He’s barely NOT a minor. Plus, as a woman who is sensitive yourself, you have to be incredibly aware of how he must still be hurting terribly following the tragic suicide of his mother, Mary Kennedy, on May 16, earlier this year. And his mom’s very public, media-covered suicide followed years for Conor of living through his parents horrifically emotional separation and divorce proceedings.
Plus, his mom was abusing alcohol and prescription pills as a way to cope with her terrible depression. All of that must have been and must still be deeply, deeply painful for him. There’s no way that he’s recovered in any way from losing his mom. Writing a song or two or three about your relationship with Conor might be a wonderful and therapeutic release for you but it will be too hurtful to him. And unlike Jake Gyllenhaal, 31, or John Mayer, 35, he doesn’t have the years of experience,maturity and thicker skin to just shake it off. Even though Joe Jonas wasn’t all that much older when you two were involved, he was already a seasoned and media-savy celebrity who was far better equipped to cope with public scrutiny.
Taylor’s Already Written One Song About Conor Now Taylor, your ex-boyfriend Conor has already provided fodder for your new song, “Everything Has Changed” which is featured on your new album, “Red.” “And all I’ve seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel right,” you sing most likely about green-eyed Conor. “And your eyes look like coming home, All I know is a simple name, everything has changed,” you continue. Your album notes on the song, provide another message that the tune is about him.
The “randomly” capped letters in the notes spell out Hyiannis Port, the name of the infamous Massachusetts town where the Kennedy family has it’s longtime infamous family compound. Hiding messages in your liner notes is something your fans are very familiar with you doing. The significance of ‘Hyiannis Port’ (your spelling, Taylor?) That’s the place where you recently purchased a $4.9 million home so you could be close to Conor when he visited his family compound.
How Taylor and Conor Broke Up Apparently, you and Conor “quietly parted ways,” according to Us Weekly, due to “a distance thing. No hard feelings. They’re fine,” said their source. Well, I certainly hope that’s true.But especially if that’s the case, you need to let your way expressive feelings lie./hollywoodlife.com