Kristen Stewart Talks ‘Otherworldly Sex’ With Robert Pattinson

K-Stew opens up about her ‘otherworldy’ sex scene with Rob in ‘Breaking Dawn’ in a newly-released interview! Click to read her words!

Kristen Stewart looked forward to the opportunity to bring a more adult feel to her love scenes with Robert Pattinson in both Breaking Dawn films, as she reveals in a newly-released interview, though she didn’t quite get the reaction she’d hoped for! K-Stew, 22, spoke to writer Talia Soghomonian about what sex as a vampire was like with Rob, 26. “You have to put yourself in your body.
We were supposed to have mind-boggling, otherworldly sex in Breaking Dawn 1. And the first one was sweet. It was about discovery, and it was so not raunchy. Nothing about this series is raunchy. But in the second one, we just wanted to be like animals! We tried. And they told us that it was rated R.” The full interview runs in a great new eBook: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner — In Their Own Words./