The Most Important Things You Learned About Relationships

Whether you have ever had a serious relationship before or not, we all have had a relationship in some form or another. Whether it be a friendship, casual fling, or every-once-in-a-while-aquaintence, there is a form of relationship.

So why is this important? Well, we at College Candy, as well as the people of Reddit, believe that you should have healthy relationships! In the journey to get there, you may come across some bumps, however. This helps you grow and learn what you really need. You can find the entire feed here! So what lessons have redditors learned through relationships? I’ve chosen the 15 best pearls of wisdom out there.
Blast the Adele, and bring the tissues. These reasons may spark up some emotion.
plum13sec says…
If you do not value yourself, nobody will value you.
dragon___born says...
If you have doubts in the back of your head, it’s usually for a very good reason. If you are happier when you’re not around that person, odds are you shouldn’t be together.
TheBossIsWatching says…
Respect your partners family. Does your partner constantly bitch about her brother or mother? That doesn’t give you equal right to bitch about the same person.
purple_freckle says…
You have to TALK. Mind reading is not a well-known skill.
Smash_swami says…
If you feel you’re growing apart or are having different feelings for your partner, don’t drag it out. Let them know and be honest.
PixelDave says…
If the breakup button has been pushed, just let them go. Trying to salvage things, or “Just staying friends” with the hope of getting back together will can put both of you in a world of hurt, despite best intentions.
goodytwotoes says…
Assholes aren’t really sexy, they’re just assholes.
Will-Do says…
Even if it’s really scary to tell you like someone, you just have to say it.
flamingotat says…
That no matter what I look like there will always be someone who finds me attractive. Maybe not the majority, but I only like one person at a time anyways. ;)
NinjaDiscoJesus says…
They do not = happiness.
chadridesabike says…
My wife’s grandfather told us this: “Learn to fight nice.” Having a discussion is one thing, but all out yelling with little progress is another.
shawnpeps says…
It’s always different. There’s no formulaic answer. Some people just mesh better together – common interests or not.